Study of the contamination rate and change in growth features of lettuce (Lactuca sativa Linn.) in response to cadmium and a survey of its phytochelatin synthase gene

Autor: E. Mohajel Kazemi, Maryam Kolahi, A. Goldson Barnaby, Milad Yazdi
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 180:295-308
ISSN: 0147-6513
Popis: Crops can become contaminated when grown in soils containing heavy metals. Cadmium is a heavy metal that poses a significant health risk to humans. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of cadmium on lettuce (Lactuca sativa Linn) and the contamination risk of lettuce grown in cadmium environments. The results showed that photosynthesis and growth parameters were significantly affected by cadmium. Lettuce has the ability to absorb large amounts of cadmium from the contaminated environment and so is a cadmium hyperaccumulator plant. The study showed that approximately 35% of the total absorbed cadmium is transmitted to aerial and edible parts of lettuce. This study was undertaken as lettuce has the ability to absorb and accumulate high levels of cadmium. There are however are no reports on the PCS gene and the potential for high cadmium accumulation in lettuce. The bioinformatics study revealed that lettuce has two phytochelatin synthase genes that produce 6 PCSs through splicing leading to the ability of lettuce to store high levels of cadmium. These six sequences although different in length have high similarity. Sequence structure, cellular location, three-dimensional structure, phylogeny and a comparison of their catalytic power were evaluated. The high accumulation of cadmium in lettuce and the presence of several PCSs contribute to the accumulation of cadmium in aerial tissues. The cultivation of lettuce in contaminated environments led us to evaluate suspected farms for the presence of cadmium in produce. Lettuce grown in industrial environments contaminated with cadmium can pose a serious threat to human health.
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