Lestes forficula Rambur 1842

Autor: Belle, J.
Rok vydání: 1997
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6624779
Popis: Remarks on Lestes forficulaRambur, 1842 (figs 3, 20-21, 25, 31-31) Lestes forficula Rambur is known from the surrounding countries French Guiana (Selys, 1862; Machet, 1989 as Lestes forficulus), Brazil (Selys, 1862) and Venezuela (Racenis, 1958; De Marmels, 1990). A male of this species has also been collected by me during a trip through Brazil (State of Bahia, Santo Amoro, 31.vii.1992,1 ♂). It is highly probable that the species occurs in Surinam. Lestes forficula is somewhat similar to the newly described species Lestes basidens, but the former is characterized by having the inner side of the male superior caudal appendages with a median dilatation and in having the pectoral colour pattern only with a pair of metepimeral spots. In this respect the pectoral colour pattern of Lestes forficula resembles that of Lestes bipupillatus Calvert, 1909, which seems to be its nearest ally. Some specimens of Lestes forficula have a weakly developed mid-ventral posterior metasternal spot (fig. 3). I add illustrations of some specifically important details of the male and female of Lestes forficula. The dimensions of the specimens studied by me are: Male.— Total length ca. 37; abdomen 29-31; hind wing 19-20; costal edge of stigma in fore wing 1.2­ 1.4. Female.— Total length ca. 37; abdomen 29-30; hind wing 21-22; costal edge of stigma in fore wing 1.3-1.5.
Published as part of Belle, J., 1997, The genus Lestes (Odonata: Lestidae) Leach, 1815, in Surinam, pp. 89-103 in Zool. Med. Leiden 71 (11) on pages 96-97, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3520781
{"references":["Rambur, P., 1842. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Nevropteres. Roret, Paris, xvii + 534 pp, 12 pls.","Selys Longchamps, E. de, 1862. Synopsis des agrionines. Seconde legion: Lestes. - Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 13: 288 - 338 (pp. 3 - 54 of reprint).","Machet, P., 1989. Contribution a l'etude des odonates de Guyane Francaise. I. Zygoptera. - Opusc. zool. flumin. 40: 1 - 16.","Racenis, J., 1958. Los Odonatos neotropicales en la coleccion de la Facultad de Agrononu'a de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. - Acta biol. venez. 2: 179 - 226.","De Marmels, J., 1990. An updated checklist of the Odonata of Venezuela. - Odonatologica 19: 333 - 345.","Calvert, P. P., 1909. Contributions to a knowledge of the Odonata of the neotropical region, exclusive of Mexico and Central America. - Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 (1): 73 - 280, pls 1 - 9."]}
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