Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluoranthene in sediment bioassays with freshwater amphipods

Autor: Gail A. Harkey, Peter F. Landrum, Susan Kane Driscoll
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 16:742-753
ISSN: 1552-8618
DOI: 10.1002/etc.5620160419
Popis: Two freshwater amphipods, Hyalella azreca and Diporeia sp., were exposed to sediment spiked with radiolabeled fluoranthene at nomtnal c~ncentrattons of 0.1 (trace) to 1.270 nmol fluoranthenc/g dry weighl. In two experiments. uptake kinetics and mortaluy were determtned over 30-d exposures. Concentrations of fluoranthene in ,cdiment and pore water were also measured. Mean 'urvtval of H. azreca was generally high, greater than 90% after I 0 or 16 d. and greater than 74% after 30 d. Mean survival wa'. lower for Diporeia, _14% .after _a 30-d expo~ure to the highest sediment concentration in experiment 1. and 53% in experiment 2. 1tssuc conce?trattons tn Dtporeu~ were as htgh as 2 to 4 j.Lmollg wet weight, a body burden that could be expected to result in death by narcO\tS. Hya/el/a azreca dtd not typtcally accumulate more than I IJ.rnol/g wet weight, which is consistent with the lower ob,erved mortaltty. ~pparent steady-state biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs, lipid- and organic-carbon-normalized) for scdtmcnt conccntrauons other than trace level tended to be higher for Diporeia (0.345 0.818) than for H. a::.reca (0.161-0.612). ~he BSAF'> fo~ trace lc~els tended to be l.owcr for both species (0.045 -0.436) in companson to higher sediment concentrations. for bothorgantsms. the tnternal concentration based on body residue was a more reliable mdicator of toxtcity than were equilibrium paruuontng prcdtcttOns.
Databáze: OpenAIRE