[Is cobalt-binding capacity of serum a new perspective diagnostic marker?]

Autor: V. G. Zaitsev, L. V. Goncharova, E. A. Litus, O. V. Ostrovskij, G. P. Dudchenko, V. E. Verovsky
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 2310-6972
Popis: The aim of this study was to determine the reference interval of serum cobalt-binding capacity (CoBC) and to estimate the effect of factors unrelated to oxidative modification of serum albumin on this diagnostic marker. A group of healthy volunteers (n=194), a group of patients with autoimmune diseases (n=44) and a group of patients with diabetes type 2 (n=50) participated in this study. The regional reference interval was found to be 0,462-0,744 mmol Co 2+ /l of serum. The study of serum CoBC in two groups of patients showed that the CoBC level strongly depends on the serum protein profile. Therefore, this diagnostic test may be used for diagnosing ischemia, but other pathologies associated with changes in a ratio of blood protein fractions can also influence the serum CoBC level.Tsel'iu dannoĭ raboty byla otsenka referentnykh granits kobal't-sviazyvaiushcheĭ sposobnosti (KSS) syvorotki krovi, a takzhe otsenka vliianiia na dannyĭ diagnosticheskiĭ pokazatel' faktorov, ne sviazannykh s okislitel'noĭ modifikatsieĭ syvorotochnogo al'bumina. Issledovanie provedeno na gruppe uslovno zdorovykh dobrovol'tsev (n=194), gruppe patsientov s autoimmunnoĭ patologieĭ (n=44) i gruppe patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa (n=50). Ono pozvolilo opredelit' regional'nye referentnye predely KSS syvorotki krovi: 0,462-0,744 mmol' So 2+ /l syvorotki. U patsientov s autoimmunnoĭ patologieĭ i sakharnym diabetom KSS syvorotki krovi sil'no zavisit ot belkovogo spektra syvorotki krovi. Sledovatel'no, khotia dannyĭ diagnosticheskiĭ test mozhet byt' ispol'zovan dlia diagnostiki ishemii, odnako drugie patologii, soprovozhdaiushchiesia izmeneniem sootnosheniia belkovykh fraktsiĭ krovi, budut vliiat' na uroven' KSS syvorotki krovi.
Databáze: OpenAIRE