The LILIA (Light ions laser induced acceleration) experiment at LNF

Autor: Agosteo, S., Anania, M. P., Buccolieri, G., Caresana, M., Martinis, C., Delle Side, D., Fazzi, A., Giancarlo Gatti, Giove, D., Giulietti, D., Gizzi, L., Labate, L., Londrillo, P., Nassisi, V., Pola, A., Sinigardi, S., Turchetti, G., Varoli, V., Velardi, L., IEEE
Přispěvatelé: Agosteo, S., Anania, M. P., Buccolieri, G., Caresana, M., De Martinis, C., Delle Side, D., Fazzi, A., Gatti, G., Giove, D., Giulietti, D., Gizzi, L., Labate, L., Londrillo, P., Nassisi, V., Pola, A., Sinigardi, S., Turchetti, G., Varoli, V., Velardi, L., Ieee
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: The Project LILIA (ligth ions laser induced acceleration) is an experiment now running at LNF (Frascati) with the goal of producing a real proton beam able to be driven for significant distances (50-75 cm) away from the interaction point and which will act as a source for further accelerating structures. In this paper we report the description of the experimental set-up and the very preliminary results of the laser interaction with a spécifie target. The goal consists on the study of the correlation of the maximum TNSA (target normal shift acceleration) accelerated proton energy with respect to the following parameters: • Laser pulse intensity (in the range 10 18 - 5×1019 W/cm2) • Laser pulse energy (in the range 0.1-5 J) • Laser pulse length (in the range 25 fs- lps) • Metallic target thickness (in the range 1-10 microns). © 2013 IEEE.
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