Streptococcic and nonstreptococcic disease of the respiratory tract; epidemiologic observations

Autor: Paul J. Boisvert, Helen H. Rantz, Lowell A. Rantz, Wesley W. Spink
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Archives of internal medicine (Chicago, Ill. : 1908). 77
ISSN: 0730-188X
Popis: DURING the winter of 1943-1944, an extensive study of hemolytic streptococcus sore throat was conducted in a military post. Information in regard to certain aspects of the epidemiology of streptococcic and nonstreptococcic disease of the respiratory tract was obtained and deserves presentation. The personnel of which the study group was composed changed from time to time, and precise information as to its composition from the standpoint of several of the factors to be considered here was unknown. It was not possible for this reason to determine the true incidence of disease in special groups, but a comparison could always be made between the relative frequency of occurrence of streptococcic and nonstreptococcic infections. It was from this point of view that the following report was prepared. Study Group. —The study group was the personnel of a military post located in an area in which the incidence of streptococcic disease of the
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