Mistuning Evaluation Comparison via As-Manufactured Models, Traveling Wave Excitation, and Compressor Rigs

Autor: Alex A. Kaszynski, Joseph C. Slater, Daniel L. Gillaugh, Joseph A. Beck, Jeffrey M. Brown
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Volume 7C: Structures and Dynamics.
Popis: As-manufactured rotors behave quite differently than nominal, as-designed rotors due to small geometric and material property deviations in the rotor, referred to as mistuning. The mistuning of a 20 bladed, integrally bladed rotor (IBR) will be evaluated via analytical methods, bench-top testing, and using a rotating compressor research facility. Analytical methods consist of the development of an as-manufactured model based on geometry measurements from a high fidelity optical scanning system. Benchtop testing of the IBR is done using a traveling wave excitation (TWE) system that simulates engine order excitation in stationary bladed disks for the purpose of determining potentially high responding blades due to mistuning. The compressor research facility utilizes blade tip timing (BTT) to measure the blade vibration of the IBR. The resonant response of the IBR at various modes and harmonic excitations is investigated. A comprehensive mistuning and force amplification comparison between the as-manufactured model, TWE, and the compressor rig is performed. Mistuning of each method is evaluated using three different methods. First, the tuned absorber factor (TAF), which is a metric to determine potential high responding blades, is determined for each system. Next, mistuning is analyzed by isolating individual blades both experimentally on the bench and analytically to determine the mistuning patterns. Lastly, the mistuning determined by each system will be evaluated using a reduced-order model, namely the Fundamental Mistuning Model Identification (FMM ID). It will be shown that TAF shows variability between each method providing indications TAF may not be the best approach of force amplification predictions. Basic mistuning agreements exist when isolating blades both experimentally and analytically exhibiting as-manufactured models are capable of representing full experiments. System ID methods provide a basic agreement between both the mistuning pattern and the mistuning amplification for all three methods analyzed. This ultimately shows the importance and the ability to use as-manufactured models to help increase detailed understanding of IBR’s.
Databáze: OpenAIRE