New Recurrently Active Main-belt Comet 2010 LH15

Autor: Colin Orion Chandler, William J. Oldroyd, Henry H. Hsieh, Chadwick A. Trujillo, William A. Burris, Jay K. Kueny, Jarod A. DeSpain, Kennedy A. Farrell, Michele T. Mazzucato, Milton K. D. Bosch, Tiffany Shaw-Diaz, Virgilio Gonano
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Research Notes of the AAS. 7:60
ISSN: 2515-5172
Popis: We announce the discovery of a main-belt comet (MBC), 2010 LH15 (alternately designated 2010 TJ175). MBCs are a rare type of main-belt asteroid that display comet-like activity, such as tails or comae, caused by sublimation. Consequently, MBCs help us map the location of solar system volatiles, providing insight into the origins of material prerequisite for life as we know it. However, MBCs have proven elusive, with fewer than 20 found among the 1.1 million known main-belt asteroids. This finding derives from Active Asteroids, a NASA Partner Citizen Science program we designed to identify more of these important objects. After volunteers classified an image of 2010 LH15 as showing activity, we carried out a follow-up investigation which revealed evidence of activity from two epochs spanning nearly a decade. This discovery is timely, with 2010 LH15 inbound towards its 2024 March perihelion passage, with potential activity onset as early as late 2023.
4 pages, 1 figure
Databáze: OpenAIRE