Abortion Criminalization: A Public Health Crisis Rooted in White Supremacy

Autor: Taylor Riley, Yasaman Zia, Goleen Samari, Mienah Z. Sharif
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: American journal of public health. 112(11)
ISSN: 1541-0048
Popis: The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and the growing onslaught of state laws that criminalize abortion are part of a long history of maintaining White supremacy through reproductive control of Black and socially marginalized lives. As public health continues to recognize structural racism as a public health crisis and advances its measurement, it is imperative to explicate the connection between abortion criminalization and White supremacy. In this essay, we highlight how antiabortion policies uphold White supremacy and offer concrete strategies for addressing abortion criminalization in structural racism measures and public health research and practice. (Am J Public Health. 2022;112(11):1662–1667. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2022.307014 )
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