Method of assesment of living standards and socioeconomic status of TB patients in Arkhangelsk region

Autor: Bogdanova, E. N., Balancev, G. A., Nikishova, E. I., Platon Eliseev, Maryandyshev, A. O., Gospodarevskaya, E., Squire, S. B.
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: The article has described a unified methodology to assess the living standard and socioeconomic status (SES) of TB patients taking into account national and regional peculiarities and to work out approaches to further recovery of their living standard and improvement of their social well-being. This methodology is based on creating of the Integrated Welfare Index as a combination of monetary income, housing conditions and durable household assets as well as private estate to rank TB patients into three SES subgroups (absolutely, relatively poor and well-off). This methodology can be applicable to patients with other severe chronic diseases. The article has provided an example of approbation of this methodology in assessment of the SES of 112 patients with diagnosed MDR-TB in 2011-2012 in the Arkhangelsk region within the Project «PROVE IT LPA» of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
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