Purification and Analysis of an 80-kDa Carcinoembryonic Antigen-Binding Protein from Kupffer Cells

Autor: Donald A. Lazure, Peter Thomas, Timothy M. Kelly, Aniruddha Gangopadhyay
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 328:151-157
ISSN: 0003-9861
Popis: The receptor-mediated interaction of Kupffer cells with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) has led to the identification of an 80-kDa CEA-binding Kupffer cell protein. This study is aimed at the isolation and analyses of this protein from rat Kupffer cells. The binding protein was purified using a combination of gel filtration, preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PPAGE), and affinity chromatography using a CEA–Sepharose column. Fractions obtained from the gel filtration produced two major and few minor peaks with CEA-binding activity. Maximum reactivity was detected in the first major peak. The first major peak protein was partially precipitated following fractionation with 30% loss of activity in the precipitate. Fractions with CEA-binding activity were pooled and separated on the basis of molecular weight (MW) in PPAGE. The fractions between MW 70 and 90 kDa were pooled and affinity purified using CEA–Sepharose affinity chromatography. The purity of the 80-kDa protein was demonstrated by a single protein band on SDS–polyacrylamide gel. The protein was further identified by an anti-80-kDa binding protein antibody in Western blot analysis. The p I of the 80-kDa protein is 4.95. Amino acid analysis demonstrated no histidine; higher percentages of glutamine (13.3%), leucine (11.2%), asparagine and alanine (10.4%), and lysine (9.2%) were observed. Protein microsequencing revealed two unique sequences, one with 16 amino acids and the other with 11 amino acids. The 16-amino-acid sequence has less than 50% homology with a large sample of unrelated proteins, whereas the sequence containing 11 amino acids has 60–70% homology with the α chain of collagen from a variety of species but no significant homology with other known proteins, suggesting the presence of collagen-like domains in the 80-kDa receptor.
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