No neighbour-induced increase in root growth of soybean and sunflower in mesh-divider experiments after controlling for nutrient concentration and soil volume

Autor: Chen, Bin J.W., Huang, Li, During, Heinjo J., Wang, Xinyu, Wei, Jiahe, Anten, Niels P.R., Ecology and Biodiversity, Sub Ecology and Biodiversity
Přispěvatelé: Ecology and Biodiversity, Sub Ecology and Biodiversity
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: AoB Plants, 13(3)
AoB Plants 13 (2021) 3
AoB PLANTS, 13(3), 1. Oxford University Press
AoB Plants
ISSN: 2041-2851
Popis: Root competition is a key factor determining plant performance, community structure and ecosystem productivity. To adequately estimate the extent of root proliferation of plants in response to neighbours independently of nutrient availability, one should use a set-up that can simultaneously control for both nutrient concentration and soil volume at plant individual level. With a mesh-divider design, which was suggested as a promising solution for this problem, we conducted two intraspecific root competition experiments: one with soybean (Glycine max) and the other with sunflower (Helianthus annuus). We found no response of root growth or biomass allocation to intraspecific neighbours, i.e. an ‘ideal free distribution’ (IFD) norm, in soybean; and even a reduced growth as a negative response in sunflower. These responses are all inconsistent with the hypothesis that plants should produce more roots even at the expense of reduced fitness in response to neighbours, i.e. root over-proliferation. Our results suggest that neighbour-induced root over-proliferation is not a ubiquitous feature in plants. By integrating the findings with results from other soybean studies, we conclude that for some species this response could be a genotype-dependent response as a result of natural or artificial selection, or a context-dependent response so that plants can switch from root over-proliferation to IFD depending on the environment of competition. We also critically discuss whether the mesh-divider design is an ideal solution for root competition experiments.
Game-theoretical models predict that plants should overinvest in root growth beyond the communal optimum in competition for soil resources. This phenomenon is often coined as a ‘tragedy of the commons’. To test this hypothesis, we conducted two greenhouse experiments on intraspecific root competition using a mesh-divider design to control for both nutrient concentration and soil volume in two common crop species, soybean and sunflower. In contrast to this hypothesis, we showed that in mesh-divided below-ground competition, soybean plants grew roots regardless of neighbours, and sunflower plants even had a tendency to underinvest in root growth.
Databáze: OpenAIRE