Nutritional aspects of the orthopaedic trauma patient

Autor: Doheny Mo, Sedlak C, Jenkins M, D'Eramo Al
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Orthopedic nursing. 13(4)
ISSN: 0744-6020
Popis: The metabolic response to trauma is related to a variety of factors, including severity of injury, age, and previous state of health and nutrition (Cardona et al., 1994). This article addresses nutritional considerations of an orthopaedic trauma patient. A case study has been developed with common findings associated with malnutrition, including postoperative infection. Three concepts are discussed: (a) pretrauma nutritional status, (b) post-trauma metabolism, and (c) nutritional assessment parameters. A brief comment on nursing diagnoses related to nutrition concludes this article.
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