Are the NHS national outcomes frameworks past their sell-by date?

Autor: Richard Murray, Veena S Raleigh, Julia Cream
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: BMJ qualitysafety. 27(2)
ISSN: 2044-5423
Popis: The National Health Service (NHS) outcomes frameworks for public health, health and adult social care in England were launched in 2010–2012 with ambitions that they would transform health outcomes in England. However, unprecedented financial pressures in the NHS are compelling changes in government policy designed to make the NHS financially sustainable while ensuring high-quality care for a population with a growing burden of chronic disease and multimorbidity. Radical changes in the way health and care services are commissioned and delivered locally are under way or planned. The models of care emerging are almost without exception predicated on greater integration of public health, health and care services, making the three discrete outcomes frameworks increasingly anomalous. As a centrally funded service working to policies defined by government, the NHS needs a performance framework that clearly articulates national priorities and the systemic changes needed to deliver them. The authors argue for a review of the NHS outcomes frameworks, rationalisation of the disparate performance requirements the NHS is expected to comply with and make suggestions for an alternative model more fitting for the challenges the NHS faces. New governments like to put clear water between themselves and their predecessors. However, the political currents unleashed by the 2017 UK election mean that major changes in health policy and direction are unlikely. But it is an opportune moment for the government to give a facelift to long-standing policies that most informed consensus would describe as obsolete and in need of a rethink. The 2010 coalition government hailed its NHS Outcomes Framework (NHSOF) for England1 as a radical transition from the previous Labour government’s process targets to measuring outcomes of healthcare. The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) and Adult Social Care Framework (ASCOF) followed shortly thereafter.2 3 The frameworks were designed to show performance nationally …
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