Abscisic acid plasmalemma perception triggers a calcium influx essential forRAB18gene expression inArabidopsis thalianasuspension cells

Autor: Emile Miginiac, Françoise Bardat, Emmanuelle Jeannette, Bruno Sotta, Thanos Ghelis, Olivier Dellis
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: FEBS Letters. 483:67-70
ISSN: 0014-5793
Popis: Pretreatment of Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cells with impermeant calcium chelator EGTA inhibited the ABA-induced RAB18 gene expression. However, extracellular calcium alone, up to 10 mM, did not trigger RAB18 expression. Spectrofluorimetric extracellular Ca 2+ measurement with Fluo-3 showed a fast, within 1 min, Ca 2+ influx associated with outer plasmalemma ABA perception. In the presence of the Ca 2+ blockers Cd 2+ and Ni 2+ , RAB18 expression was suppressed. Pimozide and fluspirilene inhibited Ca 2+ influx and ABA-induced RAB18 expression. Thus we demonstrated the involvement of specific Ca 2+ influx in the ABA signaling sequence leading to RAB18 expression.
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