Unconditioned Symmetric Solid-Contact Electrodes for Potentiometric Sensing

Autor: Polyxeni Damala, Elena Zdrachek, Tara Forrest, Eric Bakker
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Analytical chemistry. 94(33)
ISSN: 1520-6882
Popis: In potentiometric sensing, the preparation of the electrodes preceding a measurement is often the most time-consuming step. Eliminating the conditioning process can significantly speed up the preparation procedure, but it can also compromise the need for proper pre-equilibration of the membrane. We propose here a symmetric setup to address this challenge with an identical indicator and reference elements measured against each other, thereby compensating for potential drift. This strategy allows one to achieve potentiometric measurements using non-conditioned all-solid-state ion-selective electrodes for the detection of nitrate and potassium ions with Nernstian response slopes and detection ranges identical to those of conventional systems. To establish symmetry, a set of solid-contact ion-selective electrodes placed in a reference cell is measured against a set of identical electrodes in a sample cell. By subtracting the potentials between the two cells, potential instabilities not directly relevant to the measuring sample are eliminated, giving minimal potential drifts and stable 5-day potential responses. The
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