Use of Questionnaire-Based Measures in the Assessment of Listening Difficulties in School-Aged Children

Autor: Harvey Dillon, David R. Moore, Danielle Tomlin, Johanna G. Barry
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Ear and Hearing
ISSN: 0196-0202
Popis: Objectives: In this study, the authors assessed the potential utility of a recently developed questionnaire (Evaluation of Children’s Listening and Processing Skills [ECLiPS]) for supporting the clinical assessment of children referred for auditory processing disorder (APD). Design: A total of 49 children (35 referred for APD assessment and 14 from mainstream schools) were assessed for auditory processing (AP) abilities, cognitive abilities, and symptoms of listening difficulty. Four questionnaires were used to capture the symptoms of listening difficulty from the perspective of parents (ECLiPS and Fisher’s auditory problem checklist), teachers (Teacher’s Evaluation of Auditory Performance), and children, that is, self-report (Listening Inventory for Education). Correlation analyses tested for convergence between the questionnaires and both cognitive and AP measures. Discriminant analyses were performed to determine the best combination of tests for discriminating between typically developing children and children referred for APD. Results: All questionnaires were sensitive to the presence of difficulty, that is, children referred for assessment had significantly more symptoms of listening difficulty than typically developing children. There was, however, no evidence of more listening difficulty in children meeting the diagnostic criteria for APD. Some AP tests were significantly correlated with ECLiPS factors measuring related abilities providing evidence for construct validity. All questionnaires correlated to a greater or lesser extent with the cognitive measures in the study. Discriminant analysis suggested that the best discrimination between groups was achieved using a combination of ECLiPS factors, together with nonverbal Intelligence Quotient (cognitive) and AP measures (i.e., dichotic digits test and frequency pattern test). Conclusions: The ECLiPS was particularly sensitive to cognitive difficulties, an important aspect of many children referred for APD, as well as correlating with some AP measures. It can potentially support the preliminary assessment of children referred for APD.
Questionnaires potentially offer valuable information about everyday listening difficulty in children referred for suspected APD. However, there are many problems with currently available questionnaires. This paper considers the validity and usefulness of a new questionnaire called the Evaluation of Children’s Listening and Processing Skills (ECLiPS) in comparison with three other available questionnaires. All the questionnaires in the study were similarly sensitive to the presence of problems, but the ECLiPS provided clearer evidence of construct validity particularly with respect to measures of cognitive abilities. Discriminant analysis suggested that a combination of ECLiPS factors with auditory and cognitive measures achieved best discrimination among the participant groups in the study.
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