Comparison of a Barcode-Based Smartphone Application to a Questionnaire to Assess the Use of Cleaning Products at Home and Their Association with Asthma Symptoms

Autor: Lemire, Pierre, Temam, Sofia, Quinot, Catherine, Sévin, Etienne, Remacle, Sophie, Supernant, Karine, Dumas, Orianne, Le Moual, Nicole, Eyriey, E., Licinia, A., Vellement, A., Pin, Isabelle, Hofmann, P., Hullo, Églantine, Llerena, Catherine, Morin, X., Morlot, A., Lepeule, Johanna, Lyon-Caen, Sarah, Philippat, Claire, Quentin, Joane, Siroux, Valérie, Slama, Rémy
Přispěvatelé: Faraldo, Beatrice, Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et santé des populations (CESP), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Hôpital Paul Brousse-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Paris-Saclay, MGEN Foundation for Public Health [Paris] (FESP-MGEN), Institute for Advanced Biosciences / Institut pour l'Avancée des Biosciences (Grenoble) (IAB), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire [Grenoble] (CHU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Etablissement français du sang - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (EFS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), EpiConcept [Paris], The Sepages Study Group., Fondation d’entreprise MGEN pour la santé publique (FESP MGEN), Anses-PNR-EST-2015-1-022/Ademe-1594C0091, Anses-PNR-EST-2017-1-101/Ademe-1762C0021 Seventh Framework Programme, FP7: FP7/2007-206, N308333-HELIX European Research Council, ERC: N 311765-E-DOHaD Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR: 14-CE21-0007-01, 19-CE36-0003-01, ANR 18-CE36-005, ANR-12-PDOC-0029-01, ANR-15-IDEX, ANR-15-IDEX-02 Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Inserm Fondation de France: CLI-MATHES—00081169 Commissariat Général à l'Investissement, CGI Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l’Alimentation, de l’Environnement et du Travail, ANSES: PNR-EST-2018-1-264 Agir pour les Maladies Chroniques, Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the role of SEPAGES cohort study group: E. Eyriey, A. Licinia, A. Vellement (Groupe Hospitalier Mutualiste, Grenoble), I. Pin, P. Hofmann, E. Hullo, C. Llerena (Grenoble University Hospital, La Tronche), X. Morin (Clinique des Cèdres, Echirolles), A. Morlot (Clinique Belledonne, Saint-Martin d’Hères), J. Lepeule, S. Lyon-Caen, C. Philippat, I. Pin, J. Quentin, V. Siroux, R. Slama (Inserm, CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes IAB research center). We thank A. Benlakhryfa, L. Borges, Y. Gioria, clinical research assistants, J. Giraud, M. Marceau, M.-P. Martin, nurses, E. Charvet, A. Putod, midwives, M. Graca, K. Gridel, C. Pelini, fieldworkers, K. Guichardet, A. Levanic, C. Martel, E. Quinteiro neuropsychologists, the sta↵ from Grenoble Center for Clinical Investigation (CIC): J.-L. Cracowski, C. Cracowski, E. Hodaj, D. Abry, N. Gonnet and A. Tournier. A warm thank you also to M. Althuser, S. Althuser, F. Camus-Chauvet, P. Dusonchet, S. Dusonchet, L. Emery, P. Fabbrizio, P. Ho↵mann, D. Marchal André, X. Morin, E. Opoix, L. Pacteau, P. Rivoire, A. Royannais, C. Tomasella, T. Tomasella, D. Tournadre, P. Viossat, E. Volpi, S. Rey, E. Warembourg and clinicians from Grenoble University Hospital for their support in the recruitment of the study volunteers. We also thank A. Buchet, S.F. Caraby, J.-N. Canonica, J. Dujourdil, E. Eyriey, P. Hofmann, M. Jeannin, A. Licina, X. Morin, A. Nicolas, and all midwives from the four maternity wards of Grenoble urban areas. We thank B. Chevolon, C. Cornes, A.S. Gauchez, D. Guergour, P. Faure, J. Arnaud for thyroid hormones assessment. We thank the team of L. Chaperod (EFS) for its implication on the immunological aspects of the project. We thank G. Uzu (IRD) and J.-L. Ja↵rezo (CNRS) for their implication on PM oxidative potential assessment. We thank F.-X. Leupert, O. Bonnet and L. Goirand for the access to the birth certificate database from the Conseil Général de l’Isère. Sépages biospecimens are stored at Grenoble University Hospital (CHU-GA) biobank (bb-0033-00069), we would like to thank the whole CRB team, led by P. Mossuz and P. Lorimier, and in particular the technicians for the huge work of biospecimens processing and pooling: W. Jayar and L. Than, as well as G. Schummer. The Internet platform for secured data collection was developed by Epiconcept Paris (E. Sevin, S. Ployart, A. Polaert). SEPAGES data are stored thanks to Inserm RE-CO-NAI platform funded by Commissariat Général à l’Investissement, with the implication of Sophie de Visme (Inserm DSI). Many thanks to M.A. Charles, RE-CO-NAI coordinator, for her support. Finally, and importantly, we would like to express our sincere thanks to participants of the SEPAGES study. The authors are grateful for the help received from Ines Taarit and Mathias Clément to update the cleaning products ingredients database., Funding: The cohort was supported by the European Research Council (consolidator grant N 311765-E-DOHaD, PI, R. Slama), by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-206, grant N308333-HELIX, PI, M. Vrijheid), by ANR, the French Research Agency (PAPER project ANR-12-PDOC-0029-01, PI, J. Lepeule, SHALCOH project, 14-CE21-0007-01, PI, R. Slama, GUMME project, PI, R. Slama, ETAPE ANR 18-CE36-005, PI, J. Lepeule, EDeN project 19-CE36-0003-01, SYMER project, ANR-15-IDEX-02, PI, U. Schlattner, Mobil’Air project, ANR-15-IDEX, PI, S. Mathy, supported by University Grenoble-3Alpes), by ANSES (CNAP and HYPAXE projects, PI C. Philippat, PENDORE project, PNR-EST-2018-1-264, PI, V. Siroux), by Plan Cancer (Canc’Air project, PI, P. Guénel), by Association de Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC, PI, P. Guénel), by AGIR pour les maladies chroniques (PI, R. Slama and PRENAPAR project, V. Siroux), and Fonds de Recherche pour la Santé Respiratoire (FRSR, PI, I. Pin) and by Fondation de France (CLI-MATHES—00081169, J. Lepeule). We acknowledge the support of ANSES, Inserm and AGIR pour les maladies chroniques, for SEPAGES feasibility study. The support of 'SCUSI 2017' Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes programme is also acknowledged. COBANET-Sepages project was support by Anses and Ademe (COBANET: Anses-PNR-EST-2015-1-022/Ademe-1594C0091, PI: N Le Moual, CRESPINET: Anses-PNR-EST-2017-1-101/Ademe-1762C0021, PI: N Le Moual). Pierre Lemire benefited from a PhD scholarship of the University of Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay, France., The cohort was supported by the European Research Council (consolidator grant N 311765-E-DOHaD, PI, R. Slama), by the European Community?s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-206, grant N308333-HELIX, PI, M. Vrijheid), by ANR, the French Research Agency (PAPER project ANR-12-PDOC-0029-01, PI, J. Lepeule, EDeN project 19-CE36-0003-01, SYMER project, ANR-15-IDEX-02, PI, U. Schlattner, Mobil?Air project, ANR-15-IDEX, PI, S. Mathy, supported by University Grenoble-3Alpes), by ANSES (CNAP and HYPAXE projects, PI C. Philippat, PENDORE project, PNR-EST-2018-1-264, PI, V. Siroux), by Plan Cancer (Canc?Air project, PI, P. Gu?nel), by Association de Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC, PI, P. Gu?nel), by AGIR pour les maladies chroniques (PI, R. Slama and PRENAPAR project, V. Siroux), and Fonds de Recherche pour la Sant? Respiratoire (FRSR, PI, I. Pin) and by Fondation de France (CLIMATHES?00081169, J. Lepeule). We acknowledge the support of ANSES, Inserm and AGIR pour les maladies chroniques, for SEPAGES feasibility study. The support of ?SCUSI 2017? R?gion Auvergne-Rh?ne-Alpes programme is also acknowledged. COBANET-Sepages project was support by Anses and Ademe (COBANET: Anses-PNR-EST-2015-1-022/Ademe-1594C0091, PI: N Le Moual
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (7), pp.3366. ⟨10.3390/ijerph18073366⟩
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI, 2021, 18 (7), ⟨10.3390/ijerph18073366⟩
Volume 18
Issue 7
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol 18, Iss 3366, p 3366 (2021)
ISSN: 1661-7827
Popis: International audience; Household disinfectant and cleaning products (HDCPs) assessment is challenging in epidemiological research. We hypothesized that a newly-developed smartphone application was more objective than questionnaires in assessing HDCPs. Therefore, we aimed to compare both methods, in terms of exposure assessments and respiratory health effects estimates. The women of the SEPAGES birth cohort completed repeated validated questionnaires on HDCPs and respiratory health and used an application to report HDCPs and scan products barcodes, subsequently linked with an ingredients database. Agreements between the two methods were assessed by Kappa coefficients. Logistic regression models estimated associations of HDCP with asthma symptom score. The 101 participants (18 with asthma symptom score ≥1) scanned 617 different products (580 with available ingredients list). Slight to fair agreements for sprays, bleach and scented HDCP were observed (Kappa: 0.35, 0.25, 0.11, respectively). Strength of the associations between HDCP and asthma symptom score varied between both methods but all odds ratios (OR) were greater than one. The number of scanned products used weekly was significantly associated with the asthma symptom score (adjusted-OR [CI 95%]: 1.15 [1.00–1.32]). This study shows the importance of using novel tools in epidemiological research to objectively assess HDCP and therefore reduce exposure measurement errors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE