Agnosia for Mirror Stimuli: A New Case Report with a Small Parietal Lesion

Autor: Olivier Martinaud, Axel Lebas, Evangéline Bliaux, Sandrine Bioux, Nicolas Mirlink, Didier Hannequin, Emmanuel Gerardin
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 29:724-728
ISSN: 1873-5843
Popis: Only seven cases of agnosia for mirror stimuli have been reported, always with an extensive lesion. We report a new case of an agnosia for mirror stimuli due to a circumscribed lesion. An extensive battery of neuropsychological tests and a new experimental procedure to assess visual object mirror and orientation discrimination were assessed 10 days after the onset of clinical symptoms, and 5 years later. The performances of our patient were compared with those of four healthy control subjects matched for age. This test revealed an agnosia for mirror stimuli. Brain imaging showed a small right occipitoparietal hematoma, encompassing the extrastriate cortex adjoining the inferior parietal lobe. This new case suggests that: (i) agnosia for mirror stimuli can persist for 5 years after onset and (ii) the posterior part of the right intraparietal sulcus could be critical in the cognitive process of mirror stimuli discrimination.
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