Exploring the Characteristics of Instructional Design Professional Knowledge from a Facebook Community of Practice (CoP)

Autor: Javier Leung
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Javier Leung
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21130267.v1
Popis: Online communities of practice (CoPs) in Instructional Design play an important role in creating and transferring professional knowledge (tacit knowledge). This study examines the characteristics of professional knowledge from 4,717 anonymized users’ posts available in the Instructional Designer Facebook group from August 3rd, 2017 to September 9th, 2020. This group is the largest public group on Facebook with 17,640 members as of September 29th, 2021 (About Us CrowdTangle, n.d.). Natural language processing approaches, including n-grams, sentiment analysis, visualization of named entities, and topic modeling, were implemented to extract tacit knowledge from written forms of communication. Three topic models, including bag-of-words, TF-IDF, and sentence embeddings, showed topics related to corporate training, online training, authoring e-learning tools, resource downloads, virtual reality, mobile learning, and outsourcing e-learning development. In the visualization of relationships between named entities, this particular CoP is characterized by (1) the recognition of members’ contribution and request for feedback, (2) the use of hashtags related to e-learning development and trends, and (3) the request for career advice related to the Instructional Design profession. The study has implications for developing practitioners’ pedagogical proficiencies and establishing community knowledge management and curation practices.
Databáze: OpenAIRE