OFDM Communication with Cooperative Relays

Autor: T. Xu, H. Lu, H. Nikookar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Communications and Networking
Popis: In this chapter, we investigated some cooperative OFDM communication issues, such as relay selection and full diversity design. First, we proposed a hybrid OFDM cooperative strategy for multi-node wireless networks employing both DF and AF relaying. Fully decoding is guaranteed by simply comparing SNRs at relay nodes to the SNR threshold, which is more efficient than utilizing conventional cyclic redundant checking code. The lower bound and the upper bound of the SNR threshold were provided as well. After correct decoding, the DF protocol outperforms AF protocol in terms of BER performance, which can be seen from the Monte Carlo simulation as well as analytical results. These results justify that the DF protocol dominants hybrid cooperation strategy. For the suggested hybrid DF-AF cooperation protocol, we also represented a dynamic optimal combination strategy for the optimal AF selection. The closed-form BER expression of the hybrid OFDM cooperation in Rayleigh fading channel was derived. The agreement between the analytical curves and numerical simulated results shows that the derived closed-form BER expression is suitable for the DF-dominant hybrid cooperation protocols. The compact
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