The effect of passive immunization against estradiol on the regulatory profile and character of labor in the rat

Autor: Currie Wb, Arpad I. Csapo, T. Erdos, Béla A. Resch
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 132:464-470
ISSN: 0002-9378
Popis: Treatment of pregnant rats with antiestradiol (A-E2) serum twice a day, starting at 2100 hours on day 19, sharply increased circulating total estradiol (E2) above control values and drastically reduced the biologically active E2 unbound (E2U) to A-E2 in plasma and uterine tissue. This A-E2-induced and--sustained E2U deficiency was not accompanied by similar changes in plasma and tissue progesterone (P), since P decreased similarly in the control and A-E2--treated rats in preparation for parturition. However, in the A-E2 rats the reduction in E2U was accompanied by a small, though significant, decrease in uterine vein prostaglandin F (PGF) during labor. This A-E2--provoked regulatory imbalance significantly altered normal parturition. In comparison with controls, labor in the A-E2 rats was delayed and prolonged by extended intervals between deliveries of individual fetuses of the same litter. The delay in the onset of labor significantly increased the birth weights of the newborn rats. Whether E2U deficiency is directly responsible for the asynchronic myometrial activity that delays and prolongs labor or whether it is mediated by reduced PGF release remains to be determined.
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