Gestione del Covid-19 in età pediatrica: documento di consenso

Autor: Susanna, Esposito, Federico, Marchetti, Marcello, Lanari, Fabio, Caramelli, ALESSANDRO DE FANTI, Gianluca, Vergine, Iughetti, Lorenzo, Martina, Fornaro, Agnese, Suppiej, Stefano, Zona, Andrea, Pession, Giacomo, Biasucci, GRUPPO DI LAVORO SU COVID-19 IN PEDIATRIA DELLA REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA(Giuseppe Cannalire, Maria Sole Magistrali, Raymond, Akamin, Icilio, Dodi, Alberto, Argentiero, Luciana, Abate, Claudia De Guido, Umberto, Fanelli, Marco, Pappalardo, Francesco, Pecora, Francesco, Sogni, Giancarlo, Gargano, Alessandro, Volta, Costantino, Panza, Sara, Fornaciari, Giovanna, Russo, Predieri, Barbara, Jennifer, Chiarolanza, Laura, Andreozzi, Marianna, Fabi, Fabrizio, Sandri, Chiara, Ghizzi, Rita, Ricci, Luciana, Nicoli, Alessandro, Ballestrazzi, Tiziano, Dall’Osso, Laura, Serra, Claudia, Guiducci, Alessandra, Iacono, Anna Maria Magistà, Cristina, Malaventura, Adriana, Fumarola, Marcello, Bergamini, Enrico, Valletta, Marcello, Stella, Franco, Mazzini, Gina, Ancora, Giovanni, Pancaldi, Beatrice, Scarpellini, Cristina, Ferrè, Rossana De Palma, Simona Di Mario, Fabia, Franchi, Roberta, Giroldini, Anna Maria Marata, Giovanna, Mattei, Valentina, Solfrini, Maria Luisa Moro)
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 has rapidly spread, becoming the first pandemic of the 21st century by death toll. Children appear to be less affected than adults, with a milder clinical presentation and a significantly lower mortality rate. However, serious complica-tions can occur in childhood, such as COVID-19 temporally related multisystem inflammatory syn-drome (MIS-C). Some aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents remain un-clear and the optimal treatment has not been defined. The Working Group on COVID-19 in Paediatrics of the Emilia-Romagna Region (RE-CO-PED) has produced a consensus document with practical recommendations based on a systematic review of the literature and on the clinical experi-ence of the expert group. Evidence is reported regarding prevention measures, diagnostic tools as well as home and hospital therapeutic management of complicated cases (MIS-C). The educational and psychological effects of the pandemic in the paediatric and adolescent age are reported, with the need to define coordinated interventions (between paediatricians, neurospychiatrists, psycholo-gists and educational services) for the prevention and treatment of documented emotional, relational and educational consequences caused by the lockdown, school closures and social distances.
Databáze: OpenAIRE