Signatures, Heegaard Floer correction terms and quasi–alternating links

Autor: Brendan Owens, Paolo Lisca
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 143:907-914
ISSN: 1088-6826
Popis: Turaev showed that there is a well-defined map assigning to an oriented link L in the three-sphere a Spin structure t_0 on Sigma(L), the 2-fold cover of S^3 branched along L. We prove, generalizing results of Manolescu-Owens and Donald-Owens, that for an oriented quasi-alternating link L the signature of L equals minus four times the Heegaard Floer correction term of (Sigma(L), t_0).
V2: Improved exposition incorporating referee's suggestions; 3 figures, 6 pages. Accepted for publication by the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
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