Structural characterization of carane derivative stereoisomers - Potent local anesthetics

Autor: Stanisław Lochyński, T. Librowski, Marta Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, Jacek Grochowski, R. Czarnecki, Bożena Frąckowiak, Paweł Serda
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 0587-4246
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.101.665
Popis: The paper reports on structural investigation and phase analysis of a newly synthesized potent local anesthetic with chiral molecular structure. Absolute structure and absolute configuration on four chiral centres was determined using microcrystalline single-crystal difracti on with anomalous scattering of X-ray radiation azimuthal scan technique. Phase analysis for new compound (K P23SS) and its epimer (K P23 RS) was carried out using classical and synchrotron radiation powder difraction. Enantiopurity of the bulk material was verifed for both isomers by comparison of experimental and simulated high- resolution powder difraction diagrams. The presence of two new polymorphic phases of K P23RS was documented. Comparative conformational analysis was carried out using diferential Fourier synthesis and least-squares molecule overlap technique. A model of epimeric disorder was discussed for the homo chiral phase.
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