Electric activity of the human brain in individuals with different egoism-altruism level

Autor: Igor Kotsan, Oksana Rakovets, I. P. Kuznetsov, Maria Osyp
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: ScienceRise: Biological Science, Vol 0, Iss 3(12), Pp 29-33 (2018)
ISSN: 2519-8025
Popis: The formation of a human personality and the peculiarities of its social behavior are influenced by both biological characteristics and psychophysiological data. Therefore, in order to determine the prevailing socio-type of personality, it is necessary to take into account all aspects and features that may affect individual-psychological characteristics. In addition, neuromarkers that indicate altruistic and selfish social behavior will show the effective use of neurotrainings for their correction and explain the mechanisms of social adaptation. The aim of the research: to find differences in brain activity of individuals with different social type by registration of their electric activity. Methods: psychological testing method, event-related synchronization/desynchronization method. Results: Individuals with selfish type of social behavior chose selfish stimulus more often than individuals with altruistic type of social behavior. Individuals with selfish type of social behavior show higher indexes of spectrum power in alfa- and betha-range. Desynchronization reaction is typical for individuals with altruistic social behavior; synchronization reaction is typical for selfish-directed individuals. Synchronization in central and parietal areas in selfish-directed individuals is mostly shown as a reaction to altruistic stimulus; altruistic-directed individuals showed synchronization reaction to the altruistic stimulus in these areas. Conclusions: EEG data in alpha-range suggest that mechanisms of attention are involved for longer time period in the individuals with altruistic social behavior type. The reaction to the opposite type of stimulus is characterized by the same behavioral effects, however, has different electroencephalographic characteristics. The results show the different nature of the subjective reaction to stimuli, which is opposite to the sociotype of the individuals. However, a more detailed analysis indicates a different neurophysiological and subjective component of these reactions
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