Slavonija i Transilvanija (1272. – 1342.): oligarsi, kraljevi ljudi, i (pre)oblikovanje lokalnih plemićkih zajednica
Autor: | Nekić, Antun |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: |
Medieval Hungary medieval Slavonia medieval Transylvania general assembly (congregatio generalis) oligarchs nobility regional identity Medieval Hungary medieval Slavonia medieval Transylvania general as-sembly ( congregatio generalis ) oligarchs nobility regional identity Kljusrednjovjekovna Ugarska srednjovjekovna Slavonija srednjovjekovna Transilvanija shodovi (congregatio generalis) oligarsi plemstvo regionalni identiteti centar-periferija |
Zdroj: | Povijesni prilozi Volume 40 Issue 61 |
ISSN: | 1848-9087 0351-9767 |
DOI: | 10.22586/pp.v40i61.15481 |
Popis: | Historians have long identified the structural similarities between the positions of Slavonia and Transylvania within the conglomerate of territories bound to the Crown of St Stephen (Archiregnum Hungaricum), but their comparison has never surpassed the superficial level of juxtaposing the quasi-regal authorities of the ban and the voivode. Considering the period from the 1270s until the 1340s this paper primarily focuses on the general assemblies that took place in these two provinces and looks at the formation of regional identities linked to the nobility’s collective action of coming together in assemblies. Through this prism, it also analyzes the functioning of composite political structures and the relationship between the center and the specific localities. Political instability triggered the first assemblies in both provinces, and from the 1270s until the 1290s local processes mirrored the decisions and actions of the royal court, as was the case with almost all the assemblies held in Slavonia during the 1270s, and it was the same with the Transylvanian cases form 1288 and 1291. However, in Transylvania, in contrast to Slavonia, the assemblies continued to be held without the incentive from the royal court, that is they became a part of the local repertoire. These different experiences in the early period had a strong impact on the nobility and its power of collective action from the 1320s when the programme of the restoration of the royal authority was carried out in both provinces by using the same mechanisms. Strukturalne sličnosti položaja Slavonije i Transilvanije unutar sklopa zemalja vezanih uz krunu sv. Stjepana (Archiregnum Hungaricum) odavna su prepoznate, no njihova komparacija nikad nije prelazila površinsku razinu usporedbe kvazi regalnih ovlasti bana i vojvode. Razmatrajući razdoblje od 1270-ih do 1340-ih s primarnim fokusom na održavanje općih shodova u tim dvama područjima ovaj rad sagledava funkcioniranje kompozitnih političkih tvorbi kroz odnos centra i lokaliteta te oblikovanje regionalnih identiteta povezanih s kolektivnom akcijom plemstva preko okupljanja na shodovima. Okidač za početak održavanja shodova u obama provincijama bila je politička nestabilnost, a od 1270-ih do 1290-ih lokalni su procesi bili odraz odluka i djelovanja kraljevskog dvora, kao što je bio slučaj sa gotovo svim shodovima održanima u Slavoniji tijekom 1270-ih, kao i u transilvanijskim slučajevima iz 1288. i 1291. Međutim, u Transilvaniji su se, naspram Slavonije, nakon tog razdoblja shodovi održavali i bez kraljevske inicijative, to jest postali su dio lokalnog repertoara. Ova različita iskustva u ranijem razdoblju imala su snažan utjecaj na plemstvo i njihovu snage kolektivnog djelovanja od 1320-ih, kada se preko istih mehanizama provodio program restauracije kraljevskog autoriteta. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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