Complex regional pain syndrome: are the IASP diagnostic criteria valid and sufficiently comprehensive?

Autor: Miroslav Backonja, Michael Stanton-Hicks, Martin Bertram, Nathan Rudin, Samuel Saltz, Richard Gayles, Bradley S. Galer, Stephen Bruehl, R. Norman Harden, Maninder K. Bhugra
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Pain. 83:211-219
ISSN: 0304-3959
Popis: This is a multisite study examining the internal validity and comprehensiveness of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) diagnostic criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). A standardized sign/symptom checklist was used in patient evaluations to obtain data on CRPS-related signs and symptoms in a series of 123 patients meeting IASP criteria for CRPS. Principal components factor analysis (PCA) was used to detect statistical groupings of signs/symptoms (factors). CRPS signs and symptoms grouped together statistically in a manner somewhat different than in current IASP/CRPS criteria. As in current criteria, a separate pain/sensation criterion was supported. However, unlike in current criteria, PCA indicated that vasomotor symptoms form a factor distinct from a sudomotor/edema factor. Changes in range of motion, motor dysfunction, and trophic changes, which are not included in the IASP criteria, formed a distinct fourth factor. Scores on the pain/sensation factor correlated positively with pain duration (P
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