The Unintended Consequences of Adverse Event Information on Medicines’ Risks and Label Content

Autor: David Power, Giovanni Furlan
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Pharmaceutical Medicine. 34:369-380
ISSN: 1179-1993
Popis: Patients and prescribers need to be aware of adverse drug events to minimize the risk of their occurrence and the severity with which they appear. However, numerous studies show that being informed about adverse events can increase the possibility of suffering from them. Patients tend to overestimate the likelihood of experiencing the adverse events included in the label, and this can contribute to worsening the negative expectations which are at the root of the nocebo effect. In fact, patients can become anxious after reading the undesirable effects section of the leaflet and, in addition to suffering from the nocebo effect, might not take a drug they could benefit from due to the fear of experiencing adverse events. In addition, patients' attention can focus towards non-specific symptoms of daily living that can be misattributed to the drug and included in the labelling. This article proposes a number of suggestions to reduce the abovementioned unintended effects associated with labelling, namely, an increased focus on the excess risk of experiencing adverse events rather than crude incidence, using attribute framing to help patients to better understand the risk of experiencing adverse events, dividing the undesirable effect section of the leaflet into subsections according to the level of evidence supporting causal relationships and, finally, restricting the addition of non-specific adverse events that are also symptoms of daily living to only those where there is enough evidence to show they have been caused by the drug. More studies on how to minimize the nocebo effect induced by adverse event information should be performed, and these should be done in collaboration with health authorities, to reach a shared consensus on how to better present adverse event information in the label.
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