Use of multiple irradiations and Reference Materials as comparators in quality control of neutron activation analysis data of biological samples

Autor: A. N. Garg, Vivek Singh, R. P. Choudhury
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.21203/
Popis: We propose that several different reactor irradiation times followed by assaying of activity for differential counting periods may be employed for quality control (QC) of neutron activation analysis (NAA) data of biological samples. It is also recommended that three to four Reference Materials (RMs) of similar matrix but from different agencies such as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, Vienna), Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT, Poland), National Institute of environmental Studies (NIES, Japan) including a synthetic multielemental primary standard should always be analyzed simultaneously along with the samples. Finally, the mean ± σ values so obtained may be considered as more reliable after statistical analysis. We report our data for 20 elements in two candidate RMs Corn flour (INCT-CF-3) and Soya Bean flour (INCT-SBF-4) from the INCT, Poland where Z-score values are in reasonable range of certified values.
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