Astrologica athribitana:Four demotic-hieratic horoscopes from Athribis (O. Athribis 17-36-5/1741 and ANAsh. Mus.D.O.633 reedited)

Autor: Marina Escolano Poveda
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Escolano-Poveda, M 2022, ' Astrologica athribitana : Four demotic-hieratic horoscopes from Athribis (O. Athribis 17-36-5/1741 and ANAsh. Mus.D.O.633 reedited) ', Journal for the History of Astronomy, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 49–87 .
DOI: 10.1177/00218286211068573
Popis: This paper presents the edition of three new horoscopes from Athribis in Upper Egypt (O. Athribis 17-36-5/1741), and the reedition of ANAsh.Mus.D.O.633, identified as part of the same group of horoscopes originating from Athribis. The first three horoscopes date to the reign of Augustus (27, 21, and 6 BCE), and the Ashmolean text to year 8 of Cleopatra, 44 BCE. The Athribis group constitutes the earliest attestation of horoscopes from Egypt. They include the date of birth, name, and origin of the native, entries for the two luminaries and the planets, and the position of the four cardines and Places. Relevant features not commonly present in other Demotic horoscopes are a series of lunar dates following the 25-year cycle of P. Rylands IV 589, the complete listing of the Places, Term rulers in the longitudes, and a short phrase that may be connected to the calculation of the length of life.
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