Autor: V. P. Rakivnenko, O. M. Kirichenko, S. A. Salo, O. Yu. Shabalin, L. A. Grebenik
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: The collection of scientific works of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine; Том 2, № 34 (2019); 36-43
Збірник наукових праць Національної академії Національної гвардії України; Том 2, № 34 (2019); 36-43
ISSN: 2409-7470
Popis: У статті наведено дослідження щодо підвищення динамічної міцності цистерни з рідиною при нерівномірному русі автозаправника (розгін або гальмування) шляхом розвантаження вузла з’єднання корпусу цистерни з днищем розпірно-стикувальним шпангоутом.
The article presents the results of research on increasing the dynamic strength of a tank with a fluid in the uneven motion of the refueler (in case of acceleration or braking) by unloading the node of the tank shell with the bottom of the main frame.One of the tasks of energy saving was and is the rapid and trouble-free transportation of petroleum products to the consumer. Means of delivery are different, but it is proved that transporting up to 200 km by road tankers is more appropriate than rail, especially when it comes to providing fuel for military units in their combat operations. Hence there is the urgency of further improvement of the constructive and operational characteristics of tank-vehicles, ensuring their high reliability and compliance with environmental safety requirements.During the uneven movement of a refueler there is a fluctuation in the fluid, which results to the interaction of the shell and the bottom of the tank, in addition to the excess pressure of the saturated vapor of the component and the hydrodynamic pressure, and also to the force of the hydrodynamic impact of the moving part of the liquid, because of that the total pressure of which may exceed the limits of the strength of the construction material. In this case, damage may occur not only to internal diaphragms - damps and drainage, but also to the most dangerous - the separation of the bottom of the tank shell. The theory shows and practice confirms that the most vulnerable in extreme loading of the tank is a node of connection of the shell with the bottom, especially if the flat bottom is welded. With a dynamic impact of the moving part of the liquid, which makes up about 10% of its mass, the bottom will lose its stability, or with great probability will be torn off. Therefore, in order to unload the connection node, it is suggested to place a spacer between the casing and the bottom, a docking shaft that receives a significant portion of the load, and instead of a flat one, apply a bottom in the form of a segment of a sphere that will only work on tension.
Databáze: OpenAIRE