Autor: V.A. Prylypko, O O Petrychenko, O V Kotsubinskij, Yu Yu Ozerova, M M Morozova
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 23
ISSN: 2304-8336
Popis: Comparative review of integral variables of mortality rates in children aged 0-17 years and adult popu-lation of the surveillance zone (SZ) of the Rivne NPP (RNPP) with the morbidity level in respective populationgroups of the radiologically contaminated areas (RCA).Morbidity rates were studied in population of the RNPP SZ (Volodymyretskyi andManevytskyi regions, Varash city) and RCT (Bereznivskyi and Kamin-Kashirskyi regions) according to the official sta-tistical data for 2016. The data set included data on the morbidity rates (from all diseases) and by the classes of dis-eases in children and adults in conversion to the 1000 persons of respective population in Rivne and Volyn oblasts.Morbidity review in children and adults was also carried out according to the «percentile-profile» methodology, themethod taking into account the age-related factors of morbidity, and the method of the sum of places.Mathematical, statistical, and programmatic capabilities of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 software were used for cal-culations.Morbidity review in children of the RNPP SZ in 2016 indicates the lowest incidence level in children of theVarash city. Incidence rates in children aged 0-17 years living in the RCA are higher compared with the incidencerates of children of the RNPP SZ. Comparative review of the morbidity rates in adult population of the RNPP SZ indi-cates lower incidence rates by the classes of diseases in adults in Manevytskyi region compared with theVolodymyretskyi region and the city of Varash. The adult morbidity indices are higher in RCT than in RNPP SZ.According to the results of «percentile-profile» approach, the studied areas were selected into the twogroups by a level of overall morbidity below and above the average level. Morbidity levels in children and adults inthe place of residence were distributed in different ways. Method of using the age coefficients of morbidity alloweddetermining the proportions that are related to childhood and adult morbidity in the studied areas. Disease inci-dence in children in the Varash city comprised a lowest share (21.0%) in the RNPP SZ general morbidity. The high-est share was made by children in Volodymyretskyi region of the SZ (49.0%). The highest morbidity level (from alldiseases) in adult population was observed in the Kamin-Kashirskyi region (RCT), in children it was the highest onein Bereznovskyi region (RCT). The lowest general morbidity in adult population was observed in the Volodymyretskyiregion, and in children it was the lowest one in the city of Varash (RNPP SZ).Meta: porivnial'nyĭ analiz rivnia zakhvoriuvanosti diteĭ vikom 0-17 rokiv ta doroslogo naselennia zony spostere-zhennia (ZS) Rivnens'koï AES (RAES) iz rivnem zakhvoriuvanosti vidpovidnykh grup naselennia radioaktyvno zabrud-nenykh terytoriĭ (RZT) na osnovi integral'nykh pokaznykiv.Materialy i metody. Vyvchalasia zakhvoriuvanist' naselennia ZS RAES (Volodymyrets'kyĭ, Manevyts'kyĭ raĭony, m.Varash) ta RZT (Bereznivs'kyĭ i Kamin'-Kashyrs'kyĭ raĭony) za danymy ofitsiĭnoï statystyky za 2016 r. Masyvdanykh mistyt' dani zakhvoriuvanosti (usi khvoroby) ta za klasamy khvorob diteĭ ta doroslykh u pererakhunku na 1000vidpovidnogo naselennia Rivnens'koï ta Volyns'koï oblasteĭ. Analiz zakhvoriuvanosti dytiachogo ta doroslogo na-selennia takozh bulo provedeno za metodykamy: metod «pertsentl'-profil'», metod z urakhuvanniam vikovykh ko-efitsiientiv zakhvoriuvanosti, metod sumy mists'. Dlia rozrakhunkiv bulo vykorystano matematyko-statystychni taprogramno-tekhnologichni mozhlyvosti programy Microsoft Office Excel 2007.Rezul'taty. Analiz pokaznykiv zakhvoriuvanosti diteĭ ZS RAES u 2016 rotsi svidchyt' pro naĭnyzhchyĭ riven' zakhvo-riuvanosti u diteĭ m. Varash. Na RZT pokaznyky zakhvoriuvanosti diteĭ vikom 0-17 rokiv vyshchi porivniano z pokaz-nykamy zakhvoriuvanosti diteĭ ZS AES. Porivnial'nyĭ analiz pokaznykiv zakhvoriuvanosti doroslykh ZS RAESsvidchyt' pro nyzhchyĭ riven' zakhvoriuvanosti za klasamy u doroslykh Manevyts'kogo raĭonu porivniano z Volody-myrets'kym raĭonom i m. Varash. Pokaznyky zakhvoriuvanosti doroslykh vyshchi na RZT porivniano z pokaznykamy zakh-voriuvanosti doroslykh ZS AES.Vysnovky. Za rezul'tatamy metodyky «pertsentl'-profil'» doslidzhuvani terytoriï buly rozpodileni na dvi gru-py za rivnem zagal'noï zakhvoriuvanosti nyzhche ta vyshche seredn'ogo rivnia. Rivni zakhvoriuvanosti dytiachogo ta do-roslogo naselennia za mistsem prozhyvannia rozpodileni po-riznomu. Metodyka vykorystannia vikovykh ko-efitsiientiv zakhvoriuvanosti dozvolyla vyznachyty chastky, iaki prypadaiut' na dytiachu ta doroslu zakhvoriuvanist'na doslidzhuvanykh terytoriiakh. Za doslidzhuvanymy terytoriiamy naĭmenshu chastku u zagal'niĭ zakhvoriuvanostiskladaiut' dity m. Varash (21,0 %) ZS. Naĭvyshchu chastku skladaiut' dity Volodymyrets'kogo raĭonu ZS (49,0 %).Naĭvyshchyĭ riven' zakhvoriuvanosti (usi khvoroby) doroslogo naselennia sposterigaiet'sia u Kamin'-Kashyrs'komuraĭoni (RZT), a dytiachogo – u Bereznivs'komu raĭoni (RZT). Naĭnyzhchyĭ riven' zagal'noï zakhvoriuvanosti doros-logo naselennia sposterigaiet'sia u Volodymyrets'komu raĭoni, a dytiachogo naselennia – u m. Varash, shcho vidnosiat'-sia do ZS RAES.
Databáze: OpenAIRE