Turkish validity and reliability of the postpartum stressors scale

Autor: Gamze Şahbaz, Nülüfer Erbil
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Psychology, healthmedicine.
ISSN: 1465-3966
Popis: This study was conducted to examine the validity and reliability of the Postpartum Stressor Scale (PPSS) in Turkish.177 women were included in the methodological study. The data were collected between 24 September 2018 and 24 January 2019. The validity and validity of PPSS according to the language validity and expert opinions was provided by the translation-back translation method. It was determined that the Turkish form of the PPSS did not occur in three sub-dimensions such as the original structure. Therefore, the factor loadings of the PPSS one-dimensional scale ranged from 0.481 to 0.678, and the explained variance (35.3%) was sufficient. According to the results of CFA, factor loadings of the model ranged from 0.40 to 0.64, and t values of all substances were above 1.96. As a result of structural equation modeling. The obtained fit index values of the scale were found to be x2/SD 1.88, GFI 0.93, AGFI 0.88, CFI 0.95, RMSEA 0.071 and SRMR 0.065, and the model was acceptable. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of PPSS was 0.76. In all items of PPSS, item total score correlations were found to be over 0.30 and there was no need to exclude item from the scale. PPSS was determined as a reliable and valid tool for Turkish society. There was a positive significant correlation between PPSS and PSS (p = 0.000). When the mean scores of lower 27% and upper 27% were compared, statistically significant difference was found between the groups (p = 0.000). The mean score of PPSS was 16.67 ± 5.74. As a result of the study, it was determined that the Turkish version of PPSS was a valid and reliable measurement tool.
Databáze: OpenAIRE