Prevention of Drug Adolescents with Group Assertiveness Training

Autor: Subagyo, Widyo, Wahyuningsih, Dyah, Riyadi, Sugeng
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7413206
Popis: Abstract: The development of drug trafficking and abuse lately, has reached an alarming situation, because victims of drug abuse are not only adults, students but also high school students, junior high school students up to elementary level students. Data in Banyumas Regency in 2018 there were 92 people carried out Rehabilitation due to drug abuse. It is of concern that 64% of them are young people aged 15-20 years and the average status as a student. Drug abuse among adolescents is caused by three factors namely environmental factors, individual teenage factors and substance factors. Early intervention in children can reduce the risk of drug abuse. One of the interventions to prevent the increase of drug users in adolescents is to improve adolescent communication skills with parents, peers and the environment with assertive therapy.The purpose of community service is to apply the results of Group Assertiveness Training research to improve interpersonal skills and self-esteem of adolescents, the ability of early drug use for drug prevention. The benefits of community service include improving adolescent mental health and reducing the risk of drug use in adolescents. The target of community service in this activity is all class students and BK teachers,Sekolah Menengah PertamaN 2 Banyumas Regency. The activities were carried out in 5 stages, namely preliminary activities, NAPZA socialization, assertive therapy, students' creativity in making posters about NAPZA as well as post tests and follow up plans.The results of devotion show the average score of student assertiveness before Group Assertiveness Training 106.72 and after 112.57. There was an increase in score of 5.8. The advice given is that Group Assertiveness Training can be used as one of the therapies to reduce the risk of drug use in school children
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