Fast Assessment of the Impact of Multi-Scale Geological Heterogeneities on Flow Behaviour in Complex Carbonate Reservoirs

Autor: J. Li, S. Geiger, J. Costa Gomes, D. Petrovskyy, C. Jacquemyn, G.J. Hampson, M.D. Jackson, J. Machado Silva, S. Judice, F. Rahman, M. Costa Sousa
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition.
Popis: We discuss the application of the new open-source Rapid Reservoir Modelling software (RRM) to create a suite of 3D reservoir models of a complex carbonate formation where each model is increasingly more refined such that progressively more small-scale geological structures are preserved.Using flow diagnostics we then calculate key metrics for the dynamic reservoir behaviour to quantify the similarities and dissimilarities of the flow behaviour across the different models. This analysis allows us to identify at which scale geological heterogeneities need to be resolved in the reservoir model to capture the essential flow behaviours.The workflow presented in this study hence allows us to efficiently and effectively test different geological concepts and analyse how multi-scale geological heterogeneities that may need to be represented in a reservoir model impact the predicted dynamic response, so as to design more reliable and robust reservoir models for a broad range of geoenergy applications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE