State-Funded International Voluntary Service in Developing Countries. A Case Study of the German Weltwärts program

Autor: Engel, Ole
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Wroclaw 2012, III, 86 S.
Popis: Wroclaw 2012, III, 86 S.
This thesis focuses on the concept of International Voluntary Service in developing countries. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been an enormous increase in volunteers from the Western World participating in this form of Voluntary Service. What are the reasons and motivations for this enlargement? Are we on the threshold of a Global Civil Society, supported by the tremendous growth of non-governmental organizations in the last decade, paving the way for a more altruistic human coexistence and intercultural understanding? Or, is it rather self service of Western populations based on questionable generosity? What roles do state interests play in this regard and to which extent are the histories of colonialism and imperialism reflected? These are the central questions which will be investigated. At the beginning, two theories are presented dialectically: The theory of global learning and civic engagement will be explained on the one hand and the theory of a concealed concept of elitism, state interest and imperialism will be explained on the other. The central question of the thesis asks in what way these two theories apply to International Voluntary Service in Developing Countries. To assess this question, the historical pathway of International Voluntary is first explored. The second step analyzes the state-funded German International Voluntary program Weltwärts as a case study, based on official documents and an empirical survey. Finally, an analysis of the program is conducted by questioning the central theoretical categories of elitism, state interest, and imperialism, as well as civic engagement and global learning. (DIPF/author)
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