Molecular Systematics of the Phoxinin Genus Pteronotropis (Otophysi: Cypriniformes)

Autor: Jason S. Allen, Richard L. Mayden
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: BioMed Research International, Vol 2015 (2015)
BioMed Research International
ISSN: 2314-6141
Popis: The genusPteronotropisis widely distributed along the gulf slope of eastern North America from Louisiana to Florida and rivers in South Carolina along the Atlantic slope.Pteronotropishave very distinctive, flamboyant coloration. The habitats most frequently associated with these species include heavily vegetated backwater bayous to small sluggish or flowing tannin-stained streams. AlthoughPteronotropisis recognized as a valid genus, no phylogenetic analysis of all the species has corroborated its monophyly. In recent years, four additional species have been either described or elevated from synonymy:P. merlini,P. grandipinnis,P. stonei, andP. metallicus, with the wide-rangingP. hypselopteruscomplex. To examine relationships within this genus and test its monophyly, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using two nuclear genes, recombination activating gene 1, RAG1, and the first intron of S7 ribosomal protein gene in both maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses. In no analysis wasPteronotropis, as currently recognized, recovered as monophyletic without the inclusion of the currently recognizedNotropis harperi, herein referred to asPteronotropis. Two major clades are supported: one inclusive ofP. hubbsi,P. welaka, andP. harperiand the second inclusive ofP. signipinnis,P. grandipinnis,P. hypselopterusplusP. merlinisister toP. euryzonus, andP. metallicusplusP. stonei.
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