Fast Potentiometric CO2 Sensor for High-Resolution In Situ Measurements in Fresh Water Systems

Autor: Eric Bakker, Christian Dinkel, Bernhard Wehrli, Andreas Brand, Nadezda Pankratova, Rohini Athavale
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 52, No 19 (2018) pp. 11259-11266
ISSN: 0013-936X
Popis: We present a new potentiometric sensor principle and a calibration protocol for in situ profiling of dissolved CO₂ with high temporal and spatial resolution in fresh water lakes. The sensor system is based on the measurement of EMF between two solid-contact ion selective electrodes (SC-ISEs), a hydrogen ion selective and a carbonate selective sensor. Since it relies on SC-ISEs, it is insensitive to changes in pressure, thus suitable for in situ studies. Also, as it offers a response time (t95%) of
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