Possible Contexts of Use for in Silico Trials Methodologies: A Consensus-Based Review

Autor: Cécile F. Rousseau, Axel Loewe, Marc Horner, Nele Famaey, Michael Neidlin, Francesco Pappalardo, Marco Viceconti, Luca Emili, Emmanuelle M. Voisin, Payman Afshari, Markus Reiterer, Eulalie Courcelles, Simon J. Sonntag, Cristina Curreli, Maria Cristina Jori, Giulia Russo, Liesbet Geris, Alexander Kulesza
Přispěvatelé: Viceconti M., Emili L., Afshari P., Courcelles E., Curreli C., Famaey N., Geris L., Horner M., Jori M.C., Kulesza A., Loewe A., Neidlin M., Reiterer M., Rousseau C.F., Russo G., Sonntag S.J., Voisin E.M., Pappalardo F.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Computer science
02 engineering and technology
Quantitative Biology - Quantitative Methods
030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging
Predictive models
0302 clinical medicine
Community of practice
Health Information Management
0202 electrical engineering
electronic engineering
information engineering

Regulatory science
Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM)
Context of use
Class (computer programming)
Computer Science
Information Systems

Management science
Biological system modeling
Computational modeling
3. Good health
Computer Science Applications
Biological Physics (physics.bio-ph)
Computer Science
Interdisciplinary Applications

020201 artificial intelligence & image processing
Life Sciences & Biomedicine
In silico trials
Process (engineering)
FOS: Physical sciences
Context (language use)
03 medical and health sciences
In vitro
In silico medicine
Taxonomy (general)
good simulation practice
Computer Simulation
Physics - Biological Physics
Product (category theory)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Engineering & allied operations
Science & Technology
FOS: Biological sciences
Computer Science
Mathematical & Computational Biology
Medical Informatics
Zdroj: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25 (10), 3977-3982
ISSN: 2168-2194
Popis: The term "In Silico Trial" indicates the use of computer modelling and simulation to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a medical product, whether a drug, a medical device, a diagnostic product or an advanced therapy medicinal product. Predictive models are positioned as new methodologies for the development and the regulatory evaluation of medical products. New methodologies are qualified by regulators such as FDA and EMA through formal processes, where a first step is the definition of the Context of Use (CoU), which is a concise description of how the new methodology is intended to be used in the development and regulatory assessment process. As In Silico Trials are a disruptively innovative class of new methodologies, it is important to have a list of possible CoUs highlighting potential applications for the development of the relative regulatory science. This review paper presents the result of a consensus process that took place in the InSilicoWorld Community of Practice, an online forum for experts in in silico medicine. The experts involved identified 46 descriptions of possible CoUs which were organised into a candidate taxonomy of nine CoU categories. Examples of 31 CoUs were identified in the available literature; the remaining 15 should, for now, be considered speculative.
Databáze: OpenAIRE