The European DORIS downstream service as a multi-scale system for landslides and subsidence risk management

Autor: Francesca Ardizzone, Chandrakanta Ojha, C.J. Sánchez, A. Piatkowska, Andrea Ciampalini, Balazs Fusi, Rosa María Mateos, Zbigniew Kowalski, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Fabiana Calò, Nicola Casagli, Michele Manunta, Tazio Strozzi, D. Colombo, Fausto Guzzetti, Sandro Moretti, Paola Reichenbach, C. Del Ventisette, Marek Graniczny, H. Retzo, Inmaculada Garcia, Gerardo Herrera, Silvia Bianchini, O. Mora, M. Surala
Rok vydání: 2013
IGARSS 2013, Melbourne (Australia), 21-26 luglio 2013
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:M. Manunta, F. Calò, C. Ojha, F. Ardizzone, F. Guzzetti, A. C. Mondini, P. Reichenbach, S. Bianchini, N. Casagli, A. Ciampalini, C. Del Ventisette, S. Moretti, I. Garcia, G. Herrera, R. M. Mateos, B. Füsi, M. Graniczny, Z. Kowalski, A. Piatkowska, M. Surala, H. Retzo, T. Strozzi, D. Colombo, O. Mora, C. Sánchez/congresso_nome:IGARSS 2013/congresso_luogo:Melbourne (Australia)/congresso_data:21-26 luglio 2013/anno:2013/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine
Popis: We focused on the joint exploitation of satellite and ground-based technologies in order to understand the kinematic behavior of landslides and subsidence phenomena relevant to different test sites in Europe. In this context, we efficiently exploited C-band and X-band satellite and ground-based SAR data for the investigation of the temporal and spatial pattern of ground deformations caused by natural and human-induced hazards. The present work has been conducted within the FP7-EU DORIS project.
Databáze: OpenAIRE