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Additional file 5. SCIFER analysis of L1 mRNA expression in mouse testis biological replicates. A. The number of million mapped reads per cell for each testis cell type is shown for Mouse 1 (ANOVA,, *, < 0.05, **, < 0.005,, ***, < 0.0005, ****,< 0.0001). B. The number of million mapped reads per cell for each testis cell type is shown for Mouse 2 ANOVA,, ***, < 0.0005, ****,< 0.0001). C. L1 mRNA expression measured by RPM per cell for all testis cell types is shown in the scatter plot for Mouse 1 (ANOVA,****,< 0.0001). D. L1 mRNA expression measured by RPM per cell for all testis cells types is shown in the scatter plot for Mouse 2 (ANOVA, ***, < 0.0005, ****,< 0.0001). E. The number of expressed L1 loci per cell for each testis cell type is shown in the scatter plot for Mouse 1 (ANOVA, ***, < 0.0005, ****,< 0.0001). F. The number of expressed L1 loci per cell for each testis cell type is shown in the scatter plot for Mouse 2 (ANOVA, **, < 0.005, ****,< 0.0001). G. The L1 RPM values for L1 loci indicated on the X-axis are shown for each sperm cell type in Mouse 2. The Venn Diagram shows the number of expressed L1 loci shared by the sperm cell types with the percentage of shared expressed L1 loci indicated above the diagram. H. L1 mRNA expression compared between Mouse 1 and Mouse 2 for Spermatocytes (SC) (H1), Round Spermatids (RS) (H2), Elongating Spermatids (ES) (H3), and Condensing Spermatids (CS) (H4). |