Toxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from pigs in Argentina

Autor: M.R. Viñas, S.I Boehringer, W.R Roibon, M. M. Vena, José L. Blanco, Alberto E. Parma, Miguel Blanco, Jorge Blanco, M.E Cicuta, Marcelo E. Sanz, M.C Benitez
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Veterinary Microbiology. 72:269-276
ISSN: 0378-1135
Popis: The presence of porcine toxigenic E. coli (ETEC, VTEC) in 28 piggeries (5% of total) of the central and northeast region of Argentina was studied for a better understanding of the epidemiology of porcine strains. Samples were taken by rectal swabs from healthy piglets and from those with diarrhoea, in addition to their dams. Between 5-10 colonies were isolated from each one of 223 animals sampled from 1992 to 1997. By using specific primers each strain was screened by PCR for VT1, VT2all, VT2e, STIa, and LTI toxin genes. Only strains positive for any of the toxins mentioned above were screened for STb. Their O serogroups were determined by agglutination. All of the above enterotoxins and verocytotoxins were found in E. coli isolated from the animals. The STIa gene was detected in E. coli isolated from 27/127 piglets with diarrhoea, in comparison with LTI (4/127 pigs). No toxin gene was amplified from E. coli isolated from either healthy piglets or their dams. When strains isolated from 48 piglets without diarrhoea but showing delayed growth were analysed by PCR, their toxin profile was determined to be VT1 (1/48 piglets), VT2all (5/48), STIa (1/48), LTI (3/48) and VT2e (3/48). Serogroup O64 prevailed among ETEC; O138 prevailed for ETEC/VTEC strains. This is the first extensive study regarding porcine toxigenic E. coli in Argentina and constitutes an important database for the implementation of prevention measures.
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