Geography Matters for Sanitation! Spatial Heterogeneity of the District-level Correlates of Open Defecation in India

Autor: Aparajita Maji, Rimi Biswas, Indranil Maity, Josef Novotný, Swikriti Mondal, Aditi Bardhan, Priyank Pravin Patel, Srijanee Roy, Suvamoy Pramanik, Jadab Das, Sneha Santra, Saurav Chakraborty
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Background: Sanitation interventions often fail in meeting the desired expectations. A prominent reason is the ecological nature of sanitation phenomena that inherently associates with its high dependence on contextual specifics. This also constrains the generalization of research findings in this domain and substantiates the need to supplement most prevalent micro-level evidence with wider population-level (ecological) studies. This paper thus provides the first quantitative analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of the district-level correlates of open defecation in India. It focuses on a contiguous region of 266 districts (their rural parts) comprising of seven northern and eastern Indian states, all of which had comparatively high open defecation rates in 2011.Methods: We employ standard non-spatial regression, spatially explicit regressions and multi-scale geographically weighted regression to compare the stability of the measurable correlates of open defecation across these different methods as well as across the analyzed spatial units. Results: Attributes like the ownership of household assets, drinking water inaccessibility and prevalent literacy rates were identified as the most stable district-level correlates of open defecation in this region. A higher share of Muslims in the population positively correlated with lower open defecation rates, while this relationship was amplified by the population density. This finding support hypotheses about the positive sanitation externalities stemming from the spatial co-concentrations of Muslim and non-Muslim populations. Conclusions: Our analyses demonstrate notable spatial clustering and significant spatial non-stationarity of the examined variables. Therefore, research findings that ignore the spatial heterogeneity of sanitation drivers possibly provide incomplete information for practice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE