Using an Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System to Assess the Impact of Cyclone Bejisa, Reunion Island

Autor: Pierre-Jean Marianne Dit Cassou, Frédéric Pagès, Laurent Filleul, Yves Jacques Antoine, Katia Mougin-Damour, Xavier Combes, Pascal Vilain
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
ISSN: 1947-2579
Popis: On January 2, 2014 the cyclone Bejisa struck Reunion Island. In anticipation, an epidemiological surveillance was set up in order to assess the impact in the aftermath of the cyclone. Short-term health effects were assessed using a syndromic surveillance system based on data of EDs and EMS. A peak of calls to the EMS was observed the day of the cyclone and an increase of ED visits over the next two days. At the same time, a significant increase of visits for trauma, burns, conjunctivitis was detected. The reactivity and the flexibility of the syndromic surveillance system allowed to rapidly assess the health impact of the cyclone.
Databáze: OpenAIRE