Comparison of three video head impulse test systems for the diagnosis of bilateral vestibulopathy

Autor: Vincent Van Rompaey, Nils Guinand, Floor Lucieer, T S van Dooren, B Vermorken, Herman Kingma, Angelica Perez-Fornos, Dmitrii Starkov, R. van de Berg, A M L Janssen
Přispěvatelé: RS: CAPHRI - R6 - Promoting Health & Personalised Care, KNO, MUMC+: MA AIOS Keel Neus Oorheelkunde (9), MUMC+: MA Keel Neus Oorheelkunde (9), RS: MHeNs - R3 - Neuroscience, RS: MHeNs - R1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, FHML Methodologie & Statistiek, MUMC+: MA Vestibulogie (9), MUMC+: MA Audiologisch Centrum Maastricht (9)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Neurology (2020)
Journal of Neurology, 267(SUPPL 1), 256-264. Springer
Journal of Neurology
Journal of neurology
ISSN: 0340-5354
Popis: Introduction A horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex gain (VOR gain) of Methods This study comprised 46 BV patients (diagnosed according to the Báràny criteria), tested with three commercial VHIT systems (Interacoustics, Otometrics and Synapsys) in random order. Main outcome parameter was VOR gain as calculated by the system, and the agreement on BV diagnosis (VOR gain Results VOR gain in the Synapsys system differed significantly from VOR gain in the other two systems [F(1.256, 33.916) = 35.681, p Conclusion To conclude, using different VHIT systems in the same BV patient can lead to clinically significant differences in VOR gain, when using a cut-off value of 0.6. This might hinder proper diagnosis of BV patients. It would, therefore, be preferred that VHIT systems are standardised regarding eye and head tracking methods, and VOR gain calculation algorithms. Until then, it is advised to not only take the VOR gain in consideration when assessing a VHIT trial, but also look at the raw traces and the compensatory saccades.
Databáze: OpenAIRE