A Critical Analysis of the Political Discourse of Exceptionalism in the American Sniper Movie

Autor: Hossein Fakhraei, Abdolvahed Zarifi, Hamdallah Akvani
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Medijske Studije, Vol 11, Iss 21, Pp 24-43 (2020)
Medijske studije
Volume 11
Issue 21
ISSN: 1848-5030
DOI: 10.20901/ms.11.21.2
Popis: Political discourse usually tends to diffuse itself in other discursive fields. One of the areas through which the political field can be reproduced is the field of popular culture, especially films. Moreover, language serves as the intermediate variable in which political discourses in the media offer themselves more or less ideologically. In this paper, the language of the film American Sniper and its relation to the exceptionalism discourse in the politics of the United States is reviewed. It addresses the major question of how the discourse of American Sniper is related to the three layers of exceptionalism discourse. The analysis of the three discursive levels of description, interpretation and explanation of the film based on Fairclough’s model reveals that, by following Hollywood’s dominant framework of discourse towards Islam and the Middle East, i.e., the ‘Islamophobia’ discourse, the film depicts Islam as ‘Other’. The discourse of the film ultimately resides in a wider social action that is congruous with the concept of the political language of exceptionalism.
Politički diskurs obično se širi kroz druga diskurzivna područja. Jedno od područja kroz koje se politika može reproducirati jest područje popularne kulture, posebno filma. Štoviše, jezik služi kao posredujuća varijabla kroz koju se politički diskursi predstavljaju u medijima, više ili manje ideološki. Ovaj rad analizira jezik filma Američki snajper i njegov odnos s diskursom izuzetnosti u politici SAD-a. Ključno pitanje koje rad postavlja jest kako je diskurs Američkog snajpera povezan s tri razine diskursa izuzetnosti. Analiza tri diskurzivne razine filma – deskripcije, interpretacije i objašnjenja – koje se temelje na Faircloughovu modelu, otkriva da film prati dominantni holivudski diskurs uokvirivanja islama i Srednjeg istoka, tzv. diskurs ‘islamofobije’ te prikazuje islam kao “drugog”. Diskurs filma dio je šire društvene akcije koja je podudarna s konceptom političkog jezika izuzetnosti.
Databáze: OpenAIRE