Fisher information geometry, Poisson kernel and asymptotical harmonicity

Autor: Hiroyasu Satoh, Mitsuhiro Itoh
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Differential Geometry and its Applications. 29:S107-S115
ISSN: 0926-2245
Popis: Let ( X , g ) be an Hadamard manifold with ideal boundary ∂X. We can then define the map φ : X → P ( ∂ X ) associated with Poisson kernel on X, where P ( ∂ X ) is the space of probability measures on ∂X, together with the Fisher information metric G. We make geometrical investigation of homothetic property and minimality of this map with respect to the metrics g and G. The map φ is shown to be a minimal homothetic embedding for a rank one symmetric space of noncompact type as well as for a nonsymmetric Damek–Ricci space. The following is also obtained. If φ is assumed to be homothetic and minimal, then, ( X , g ) turns out to be an asymptotically harmonic, visibility manifold with the Poisson kernel being expressed in terms of the Busemann function.
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