Maribno Amphibious Project: Role of the Inherited Tectonics in the Structure of the Northwestern Iberian Margin

Autor: Muñoz Martín, A., Granja Bruña, J., De la Fuente Oliver, M. Á., Druet, M., De Vicente, G., Gallastegui Suárez, Jorge, Maestro, A.
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM
Popis: EAGE Conference and Exhibition (83rd. 2022. Madrid)
The MARIBNO amphibious project is founded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (PGC2018-095999-B-100). M. A De la Fuente-Otiver is supported by a PhD grant from the Spanish Mrmstry of Education (FPU19/03377). We are indebted to the crew and technicians of the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa for their professional help at sea. The professional work of the technicians of the Umdad de Tecnologia Marina (UTM-CSIC) and the LABSIS-GE03BCN-CSIC is greatly appreciated.
Databáze: OpenAIRE