Autor: Vodopivec, Nina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Družboslovne razprave, vol. 38, no. 101, pp. 95-116, 2022.
Družboslovne razprave, Str. 95-116 : Ilustr., 38, št. 101, 2022
COBISS-ID: 7530242
ISSN: 0352-3608
DOI: 10.51936/dr.38.101.95-116
Popis: Avtorica v prispevku predstavlja, kako se je vzpostavljalo socialno delo v socialističnih tekstilnih tovarnah od šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja naprej. Prispevek je nastal na podlagi pregleda zapisnikov sej delavskih svetov v tovarni trikotaže Pletenina, študentskih raziskav o socialnem delu v socialističnih tekstilnih tovarnah na takratni Višji šoli za socialno delo ter pogovorov in intervjujev z nekaterimi nekdanjimi socialnimi delavkami v tekstilnih tovarnah. Gradivo kaže na težave, s katerimi so se soočale socialne delavke in delavci v tovarnah, a hkrati na problematične razmere, v katerih so živele in delale tekstilne delavke in delavci. Študentske naloge so relevanten vir za razkrivanje socialnih razmer tekstilnega delavstva v preteklosti kot tudi preteklega družbenega prepoznava­ nja problemov. Temo interpretiram v kontekstu večletnega raziskovanja izkušenj tekstilnega delavstva v Sloveniji. The article deals with the development of social work in socialist textile factories in Slovenia from the 1960s. The article is based on reports of workers’ council meetings in the Pletenina knitwear factory and on research conducted by students of the School of Social Work in socialist factories, and on interviews with some former social workers in textile factories. The empirical material points to social problems identified by the social workers and the miserable social conditions in which the textile workers lived and worked. The studies conducted by the students are important sources for researching the social conditions of textile workers in the socialist past. They also point to the social understanding of the problems and social work in the former political system. I interpret the material in the context of my year-long study of the experiences of women textile workers in Slovenia. Bibliografija: str. 113-116. Izvleček ; Abstract ; Summary: Social work in socialist factories.
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